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Rachael Nitya Lindsay

Rachael Nitya

My mission is to create a compassionate space of presence where you can connect more deeply to your inner source, let your most authentic expression unfold, and experience your innate power, love, joy and peace, that allows you to be the creator of your own reality!

Rachael's passion is in consciousness, arts and healing

My facilitation is based on my Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) & Innerdance training, as well as my certificate in s.xological bodywork. It is deeply compassionate, client-led, consent focused, empowerment and embodiment-focused.

I also use teachings and practices from my yoga training (500h certified teacher), energy healing and tantra experience, studies in NVC and IFS, as well as my experience in performance arts. I have a Masters in Performance Studies, worked in circus for over a decade and you can check out my music at

What is Kundalini Innerdance?

Kundalini Innerdance is a meditative journey, an activation of your life force energy and a space for you to connect with and release that which isn't serving you anymore; to reveal and celebrate your deeper authenticity.

This is for anyone who wants to:

  • Undo conditioning & fear through energy flow
  • Tap into the body’s wisdom, intuition, higher consciousness/source 
  • Open to the heart’s true desire and new possibilities

Dates of next sessions here at Maitri Studio:

Rachael's Timetable

Studio Calendar

Contact Us

Maitri Studio Limited
4 The Mount, Belfast, BT5 4NA

Tel: +44 (0)28 9099 2428
Email: [email protected]

Company number: NI635546