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Open practice yoga sessions

  • by Claire Ferry - Feb 07, 2025

Find it hard to motivate yourself to commit to a regular personal yoga practice? Or lack the space or equipment to do your yoga practice (and therefore yourself) justice? Or maybe you start practising at home but then notice the dust-bunnies under the sofa and the constant reminders about you of work / home pressures and to-do lists and get distracted? (I'm that person...)

When I visited the Iyengar Institute in Pune I learned it was a daily event (except Sundays) to go to the hall for individual practice in the presence of others, and that this tradition had run for years with the Iyengar family and teachers. Mostly the practice was quiet, with people going about their own set of asanas mindfully on their own mat. Occasionally people would help each other, ask for advice from senior teachers, or more experienced practitioners might spot something they could help with and offer assistance.

I found this so helpful, and valued the spirit of community co-operation, so we start these open practice sessions at Maitri Studio. These are open to students of any yoga style and people can come and use our calm space and all the yoga equipment, setting aside personal time for you. 

The sessions are Tuesdays 8-9.30am and Thursdays 7.30-9am - early so that perhaps you can join us before work or starting your day. Come and be part of a practice community!

If you're not sure about how/whether to join in, don't hesitate to drop us an email on [email protected]

At the studio we will have a donation box to put a small amount towards heating and use of the room.

We look forward to having you join us.

Contact Us

Maitri Studio Limited
4 The Mount, Belfast, BT5 4NA

Tel: +44 (0)28 9099 2428
Email: [email protected]

Company number: NI635546